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Gel-based oligonucleotide microarray approach to analyze ligand- and protein-DNA binding specificity Computer representation of the data set for dissociation temperatures

Figure 1. Computer representation of the data set for dissociation temperatures, TD, of the complexes between fluorescently labeled p50 protein (Y-box binding transcriptional factor) and octadeoxyribonucleotides immobilized on the generic microchip. Inner 6-mers of oligonucleotide 8-mers in this computer representation are arranged as two-dimensional matrix according to their 5'-halves in the rows and 3'-halves in the columns (Drobyshev et al., NAR, 1999). Color intensity of each small square reflects the TD value of the corresponding p50 - ss 8-mer complex. Color scale of the temperatures is shown on the right. P50 showed the highest sequence-specificity of binding to motifs 5'-NNGGGG-3', 5'-GGGGNN-3', 5'-NGGGGN-3', which are found in white cross on the matrice. (Zasedateleva et al., JMB, 2002).