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(Registration certificate N ФС 01012006/3257-06)

"TB-Biochip-2" test-system allows detecting not less that 80% of fluoroquinolone-resistant strains of TB causative agent during less than 1 day. This test-system is applied for the determination of exact type of mutation which leads to the resistance against fluoroquinolones.

Advantages of the test-system Similar to "TB-BIOCHIP" test-system
Assay procedure
Sensitivity and specificity

Reports in the specialized ImageWare computer program

Reports in the specialized ImageWare computer program
    Comments for non-specialists:
  1. Tuberculosis is detected.
  2. Resistance against fluoroquinolones is revealed.
  3. Surgical treatment should be used or medical preparations for which sensitivity of TB bacteria has been retained should be applied.
Reports in the specialized ImageWare computer program
    Comments for non-specialists:
  1. Standard form of tuberculosis is detected.
  2. Treatment with fluoroquinolones is possible.
Composition of "TB-BIOCHIP-2" test-system
Photograph of the box containing "TB-BIOCHIP-2" biochips
  Photograph of the box containing "TB-BIOCHIP-2" biochips and hardware-software complex for the obtaining and analysis of fluorescence images from biochips

At the present time, the "TB-BIOCHIP-2" test-system is successfully used in the Central Scientific Research Institute of Tuberculosis (Moscow) and in Moscow Theoretical and Practical Center for Tuberculosis Control.

Fluoroquinolones - second-line anti-tuberculosis drugs that are used for the treatment of tuberculosis with multiple drug-resistance.